Tuesday 13 April 2010

DECISION TIME 2010: YOUR General Election

As we all know from the feverish media coverage, the General Election will be held on 6 May which is only a few weeks away. And this is a great opportunity for students' voices to be heard on a plethora of issues that matter to us. And we certainly have a lot at stake here and should make it a point to vote especially this year. As such it is imperative that you all ensure that you are registered as a matter of urgency and proceed to cast anti-racist and anti-fascist vote.
We've recently seen the emergence of fascist and racist entities that have found their way into British politics spreading hate and dividing our society. And this vile attack on anyone ''not ethnically British'' has taken a rather sour and sickening turn particularly against Muslims.
Griffin the BNP leader is quoted saying "Back up the Slogan 'Defend Rights for Whites with well-directed boots and fists. When the crunch comes, power is the product of force and will, not of rational debate'". Indeed, there have been violent Islamophobic attacks by the BNP and the EDL (English Defence League) on Muslims and mosques around the country. And only just a couple of weeks ago, the EDL assembled in Dudley to oppose the buildng of a mosque culminating on violent attcaks on a mosque in Dudley right here in Birmingham!!
In addition, FOSIS (The Federation of Student Islamic Societies) in the UK and Eire also raised serious concerns following the Islamophobic abuse suffered by Abida Malik and her husband as they travelled by train between Leicester and Nottingham earlier this month. And this rise in racist hostilities has a significant adverse and violent impact on students and young people in the community. And these fascits attacks are not just against Muslims but on us all. On all ethnicities!
Furthermore, by voting in the General Election students can have a say on issues such as tuition FEES. A significantly high turnout of students on polling day will underline the importance of the student-vote and give the NUS greater leverage when it come sto negotiations with the government on issues such as the proposed higher tuition fees. And this is a matter of grave concern for thousands from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds whose opportunities and chances for a university education would be adversely affected.
Have a sneaky peek at www.voteforstudents.co.uk/ for information of issues affecting students and where your local candidates stand on them.
You can also get your voice heard on matters relating to climate change, recycling and many more of interest to you.
Your vote counts! Abstaining altogether gives fascists a better chance to win seats as seen in the North East at the recent European Elections. So let's all not merely say 'Never Again!' But back this up with some real acton by ensuring you are registered and casting an anti-racist and anti-fascist vote come polling day on the 6th May 2010.
Remember ***If you don't register, you can't vote*** It's quick and painless. Check out http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/ for details.